This Privacy Policy explains the privacy practices of the Lumine-skincare website. At Lumine Skin Care, we are committed to safeguarding your privacy rights and ensuring that your personal information is protected. 

This Policy describes when and why we collect your personal information, how we use it and how we keep it secure. This Policy also sets out your rights with regards to your personal information.

By using the Lumine Skin care website (the “Site”), you unequivocally agree to be bound by this Privacy Policy.

When and why we collect your personal information


  • When you register or use (the “Website”)
  • When you contact by email
  • When you buy products at our store
  • If we need to response to your queries and other issue with regards to product and shipping.
  • When you made transaction at our website.
  • In order for us to anticipate and resolve problems with any goods or services supplied to you
  • In order for us to carry out market research and tracking of sales data
  • In order for us to send you newsletters, updates or other information about our products and services by email

    Why we require your personal information when you order a product

    You will need to make an account with Lumine Skin care, before being able to order and purchase any products listed on the Site. At this time, we will ask you to provide some personal information.

    Below are examples of information we collect about you when you interact with us:

    • Title
    • Name and Surname
    • Email address
    • Date of Birth
    • Contact phone number(s)
    • Purchase information
    • Interactions with us e.g. contacting our Customer Service
    • Payment details
    • Delivery address(s)
    • Billing address
    • Skin tone and type
    • Attendance at events
    • Preferred categories and brands
    • IP address
    • Information from cookies

    Why we log your IP address

    We automatically log your IP address when you visit out Site. This unique address identifies your computer on the internet and with the IP address we are able to collect demographic information for aggregate use. Another great use of the IP address is to prevent fraudulent activity when you make a purchase, your IP is logged for safety measures and is required by the payment gateway.

    Why we collect non-personal information

    We may also collect non-personal information about you, for example: the type of internet browsers you use and sites you use that link to our Site. We use this information to make sure we are providing you with the most effective service on our Site. Occasionally, we may pass the information to the owners or operators of the linked third-party sites. You can not be identified through this information.

    How we collect personal information from social media

    We may have access to your personal information on social media if you give us permission to access this information through your social accounts, including Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.

    Ensuring that your personal information is only used where lawful

    We make sure we comply by the data protection laws when we use your personal information. In order to prove that our use of your information is legal, our reasons must adhere to at least one of the specific lawful reasons set out under the data protection law. Lawful reasons can include, for compliance with legal obligation or being necessary for the purchase of goods and services.

    If your personal information is anonymous, we no longer require a legal basis to use it and the information does not constitute to personal information under the data protection law.


    • To send you marketing updates via email about latest news, events and offers at Skin Library
    • To store your payment cards
    • Use your personal information to advertise to you on social media
    • To tailor emails and online adverts to things you love – we track things that are relevant to your location and what you’ve shown interest in


    • To process your orders

    Legitimate Interests

    • To complete and deliver products you have ordered. We may share your personal information with our delivery partners.
    • To respond to customer service enquiries raised online, on social media and via email
    • To process payments - Lumine Skin Care does not store any payment card numbers once the transaction has been completed. We share your personal information with credit card companies and other payment providers.
    • To contact you with important information relating to your booking or purchase, such as confirming your order, letting you know about returns and refunds. We share your information with our communication partners for this purpose.
    • To inform you of special offers and promotions
    • To contact you to undertake customer satisfaction surveys, product reviews and assist with market research
    • To measure the effectiveness of our content and notify you about any enhancements to the website
    • To detect and reduce fraud and any credit risks

    Who we share personal data with:

    We work with third parties to deliver the best service to you. In such cases we may share personal data with these third parties in these circumstances:

    Delivery and Logistics Partners

    We pass on limited information to our trusted delivery and logistics partners in order to get your goods delivered to you successfully.

    IT Companies

    We work with IT companies to support our website and business systems.

    Marketing Companies

    Lumine Skin Care works with marketing companies to manage our electronic communications with you or carry out surveys, analytics and product reviews on our behalf. This is to monitor the quality of our services and for market research purposes.

    Payment Processing Companies

    Lumine Skin Care works with trusted third party processing providers in order to take and manage payments.

    How can you unsubscribe from marketing communications

    We would be sad to say goodbye, but if at any point you do not wish to hear from us there are a number of ways you can unsubscribe.

    You can click onto the "unsubscribe" link in any communication that we send to you by email which will automatically unsubscribe you from that type of communication.

    Alternatively, you can contact our customer services by emailing or by using our contact form below.

    Age restrictions with regards to our Site

    In order to purchase products from our Site, customers need to be sixteen years of age (16). Customers must create an account and provide Personal Data, before orders can be placed. We do not knowingly collect Personal Data from children under the age of sixteen (16). If you are under the age of sixteen (16), please do not provide any Personal Data through the Site or Services.

    Parents and legal guardians are encouraged to monitor their children’s internet usage to help enforce our Privacy Policy. Children must never provide Personal Data through the Site or Services without permission of parents or legal guardians. If you believe a child under sixteen (16) has provided Personal Data to us through the Site or Services, please email us at:

    How long we retain your personal information

    We will not keep your personal data for any longer than it was necessarily needed for the purpose of which it was collected. The only exception may be if there is a legal reason why the data needs to be retained.

    When your personal data is no longer required, we take all the responsible steps when erasing and destroying data for our systems. We keep your personal data for the duration of your account being held with Lumine Skin Care and for 3 years after our contract is terminated.


    How we maintain confidentiality and security of your personal information

    We are committed to keeping the personal information you provide to us secure and we will take reasonable precautions to protect your personal information from loss, misuse or alteration. We do not sell your personal information for any purpose.